Thermal Imaging
ACG Security Solutions offers thermal cameras in Los Angeles to provide the most complete perimeter intrusion protection for any business. Thermal imaging has a broad range of applications including commercial security, industrial applications and of course law enforcement. Currently we are implementing thermal image cameras for a national auto auction customer. The car lot’s consists of many acres of cars and the customer is including thermal image cameras as part of the security plan. It has taken literally dozens of standard cameras to monitor each site. Today’s thermal image cameras can cover a fence line up to two thousand feet long and in any weather condition day or night. This not only provides superior security but reduces a number of costs factors, not to mention down time because of the weather. Some advantages are: it takes a fraction of the number of cameras required for coverage, reduced maintenance costs, reduced lighting costs, less poles, less trenching, less cabling etc… Thermal imaging combined with Analytics provides some of the best perimeter protection available.
Industrial applications include monitoring electric motors, generators and hot spots for overheating and potential fire hazards.